Turkey Cake
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
buttercream and ganache in the middle, I guess you can say as the "glue." Then I took my knife that I carve every cake with and hand carved it into the shape of the turkeys body. I then shaped rice crispy treats (cereal treats) into the shape of legs and shaped some fondant into wings. Then it was time to dirty ice(icing the cake with the buttercream so the fondant can stick) Then rolled out fondant and colored it a pale brown. After covering the cake I painted it different colors of brown and black giving it that "cooked" look. After that it still didnt look real so I said to myself, what is it missing? and then it came to me, it didnt have an seasoning. So i quickly threw together my own form of seasoning (cinnamon sugar and brown sugar) and rubbed it all over the cake as if it were a real turkey. After that it looked a little undercooked so I took my torch and gently torched the top carful not to burn it but just enough to caramelize the sugar into looking cooked. That was the perfect touch.
WOW! Sammi what an interesting item, you created there. How did you do that? It looks like a turkey I ate the other night! You are very talented I would hire you any day !! Please come over and make me you special turkey cake please !!